Class PolicyFactory


public abstract class PolicyFactory extends Object
Abstract factory and finder class for obtaining the instance of the class that implements the PolicyFactory of a provider. The factory will be used to instantiate Policy objects.


Arjan Tijms
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PolicyFactory

      public PolicyFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getPolicyFactory

      public static PolicyFactory getPolicyFactory()
      Get the system-wide PolicyFactory implementation.

      The name of the factory implementation class is obtained from the value of the system property,

      This value can also be retrieved from the field PolicyFactory.FACTORY_NAME.
      the system-wide singleton instance of the provider specific PolicyFactory implementation class.
      SecurityException - If an exception was thrown during the class loading, or construction of the default PolicyFactory implementation class; in which case the SecurityException will contain the root Exception as its cause.
    • setPolicyFactory

      public static void setPolicyFactory(PolicyFactory policyFactory)
      Set the system-wide PolicyFactory implementation.

      If an implementation was set previously, it will be replaced.

      policyFactory - The PolicyFactory instance, which may be null.
    • getPolicy

      public Policy getPolicy()
      This method is used to obtain an instance of the provider specific class that implements the Policy interface that corresponds to policy context within the provider. The policy context is identified by the value of the policy context identifier associated with the thread on which the accessor is called.

      For a given determined value of the policy context identifier, this method must always return the same instance of Policy and there must be at most one actual instance of a Policy with a given policy context identifier (during a process context).

      This method should be logically identical to calling getPolicy(String) with as input the value returned from PolicyContext.getContextID().

      an Object that implements the Policy interface corresponding to the identified policy context, or a null if such an Object is not present.
    • setPolicy

      public void setPolicy(Policy policy)
      Set the context Policy implementation.

      If an implementation was set previously, it will be replaced.

      This method should be logically identical to calling setPolicy(String, Policy) with as input for the first parameter the value returned from PolicyContext.getContextID().

      policy - The policy instance, which may be null.
    • getPolicy

      public abstract Policy getPolicy(String contextId)
      This method is used to obtain an instance of the provider specific class that implements the Policy interface that corresponds to policy context within the provider. The policy context is identified by the value of the policy context identifier associated with the thread on which the accessor is called.

      For a given determined value of the policy context identifier, this method must always return the same instance of Policy and there must be at most one actual instance of a Policy with a given policy context identifier (during a process context).

      contextId - A String identifying the policy context whose Policy interface is to be returned. The value passed to this parameter can be null, which corresponds to the system-wide default Policy instance.
      an Object that implements the Policy interface corresponding to the identified policy context, or a null if such an Object is not present.
    • setPolicy

      public abstract void setPolicy(String contextId, Policy policy)
      Set the context Policy implementation.

      If an implementation was set previously, it will be replaced.

      contextId - A String identifying the policy context whose Policy interface is to be returned. The value passed to this parameter can be null, which corresponds to the system-wide default Policy instance.
      policy - The policy instance, which may be null.