Class DefaultValidationEventHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultValidationEventHandler
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ValidationEventHandler

    JAXB 1.0 only default validation event handler. This is the default handler for all objects created from a JAXBContext that is managing schema-derived code generated by a JAXB 1.0 binding compiler.

    This handler causes the unmarshal and validate operations to fail on the first error or fatal error.

    This handler is not the default handler for Jakarta XML Binding mapped classes following Jakarta XML Binding or later versions. Default validation event handling has changed and is specified in Unmarshaller and Marshaller.

    • Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    See Also:
    Unmarshaller, ValidationEventHandler
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultValidationEventHandler

        public DefaultValidationEventHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • handleEvent

        public boolean handleEvent​(ValidationEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: ValidationEventHandler
        Receive notification of a validation warning or error. The ValidationEvent will have a ValidationEventLocator embedded in it that indicates where the error or warning occurred.

        If an unchecked runtime exception is thrown from this method, the Jakarta XML Binding provider will treat it as if the method returned false and interrupt the current unmarshal, validate, or marshal operation.

        Specified by:
        handleEvent in interface ValidationEventHandler
        event - the encapsulated validation event information. It is a provider error if this parameter is null.
        true if the Jakarta XML Binding Provider should attempt to continue the current unmarshal, validate, or marshal operation after handling this warning/error, false if the provider should terminate the current operation with the appropriate UnmarshalException, ValidationException, or MarshalException.