Annotation Interface SecondaryTable

@Repeatable(SecondaryTables.class) @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface SecondaryTable
Specifies a secondary table for the annotated entity class. Specifying one or more secondary tables indicates that the data for the entity class is stored across multiple tables.

If no SecondaryTable annotation is specified, it is assumed that all persistent fields or properties of the entity are mapped to the primary table. If no primary key join columns are specified, the join columns are assumed to reference the primary key columns of the primary table, and have the same names and types as the referenced primary key columns of the primary table.

Example 1: Single secondary table with a single primary key column.

@Table(name = "CUSTOMER")
@SecondaryTable(name = "CUST_DETAIL",
                pkJoinColumns = @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "CUST_ID"))
public class Customer { ... }

Example 2: Single secondary table with multiple primary key columns.

@Table(name = "CUSTOMER")
@SecondaryTable(name = "CUST_DETAIL",
                pkJoinColumns = {
                    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "CUST_ID"),
                    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "CUST_TYPE")})
public class Customer { ... }
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    (Required) The name of the table.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    (Optional) The catalog of the table.
    (Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the table.
    (Optional) A comment to be applied to the table.
    (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the pkJoinColumns() element when table generation is in effect.
    (Optional) Indexes for the table.
    (Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
    (Optional) The columns that are used to join with the primary table.
    (Optional) The schema of the table.
    (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      (Required) The name of the table.
    • catalog

      String catalog
      (Optional) The catalog of the table.

      Defaults to the default catalog.

    • schema

      String schema
      (Optional) The schema of the table.

      Defaults to the default schema for user.

    • pkJoinColumns

      PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinColumns
      (Optional) The columns that are used to join with the primary table.

      Defaults to the column(s) of the same name(s) as the primary key column(s) in the primary table.

    • foreignKey

      ForeignKey foreignKey
      (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the pkJoinColumns() element when table generation is in effect. If both this element and the #foreignKey element of any of the pkJoinColumns() elements are specified, the behavior is undefined. If no foreign key annotation element is specified in either location, a default foreign key strategy is selected by the persistence provider.
    • uniqueConstraints

      UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints
      (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table. These are typically only used if table generation is in effect. These constraints apply in addition to any constraints specified by Column and JoinColumn annotations and constraints entailed by primary key mappings.

      Defaults to no additional constraints.

    • indexes

      Index[] indexes
      (Optional) Indexes for the table. These are only used if table generation is in effect.
    • check

      (Optional) Check constraints to be applied to the table. These are only used if table generation is in effect.
    • comment

      String comment
      (Optional) A comment to be applied to the table. This is only used if table generation is in effect.
    • options

      String options
      (Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table. This is only used if table generation is in effect.